Return as a transformed human being

Unexplored Club’s expedition to Greenland is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
become part of a small team roaming one of the least visited places on Earth.

  • The adventure of a lifetime

    You will be coached and trained to become part of a small expedition team roaming far corners of Greenland. In addition to gaining the needed survival skills, you will also meet scientists sharing the latest data about climate change. Our online sessions before the expedition gather the team and teach and coach the skills and teamwork standards necessary for a successful expedition.

  • Drink water from the rivers and breathe the purest air on the earth

    The six-day-long expedition to Greenland makes you an active participant in the transformative exploration with an engaging hands-on role. Compared to any other expedition provider, we are the real deal beyond tourism.

  • We celebrate your mental and physical growth beyond your comfort zone

    As a reward, you will discover the most stunning and untouched nature on the planet, summit a mountain, and witness the impact of climate change first-hand by visiting a glacier that is melting and receding by three meters per day.

Join our mission and become an ambassador for a better future!

Unexplored Club is a conscious thought leadership community exploring the least visited corners of the World for the sake of a better future.

“On the last expedition, when the sun was setting, we sat in the base camp looking out over a fjord packed with a million tons of thousands of years old ice. Our dinner was cooking, dark rum was warming our bodies, and two humpback whales were playing right in front of us.

There is no small talk in a situation like this; you talk on a different level; we call it “big talk.” You talk about passion, fear, love, and other topics that make a difference.

Incredible raw nature acts as a catalyst for us to see things differently. Back home in civilization, we can easily become blind. Out there, it’s something else. You return as a changed human inspired to do the right thing.”

— Pata Degerman

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